September 2013 marked the launch of the project – construction of camp and offices carried out by Velesstroy LLC for the French company VINCI CONSTRUCTION GRANDS PROJETS. This camp construction was one of the first ЕРС projects for Velesstroy at Sabetta peninsula.
Living conditions mean a lot for Sabetta peninsula inhabitants. Being away from home feels more acutely, and during the arctic storm when the works stop people go out into the street just to get to the dining room. That is why the construction of the camp is the subject of key importance for VINCI employees.
Construction camp was built in a short time. It consists of 7 dormitories for a thousand and half inhabitants and 1100 m2 of offices, utilities and sites, as well as drinking water storage facilities. All the buildings were built on pile foundations with steel pile caps and insulation.
The town is power supplied using diesel generators with a capacity of 60, 100, 150 or 300 kVA. The employees are accommodated in seven buildings, three of which are building for up to 300 workers, one female dormitory for 120 people with four bed rooms and dormitory for technicians for 150 people with two-bed rooms. Two more buildings were built to accommodate VINCI CONSTRUCTION GRANDS PROJETS staff: first - for 72 people with single bed rooms and the second - for 80 people with two-bed rooms.
There are two canteens in the camp as well: the first for five hundred people, a the second for two hundred. The camp is supplied with water from the nearest lake which is then purified in water-treating facilities. In addition, there are additional buildings for workers active rest (a ping pong premise, a gym, a building with Wi-Fi), laundry and shop constructed in the camp.