Zapolyarie -Purpe” Pipeline System

“Zapolyarie -Purpe” Pipeline System

Shortly after the construction of the East Siberia – Pacific Ocean system, construction of a nearly 900-kilometer Zapolyarye – Purpe – Samotlor main oil pipeline began.

Only companies with experience in overcoming water barriers, working with difficult soils, and draining wetlands could participate in the Purpe-Samotlor oil pipeline construction project, where swamps and wetlands took up a third of all areas of the route. VELESSSTROY, experienced in using advanced technologies and sophisticated construction equipment, organization of  processes in difficult natural environment, successfully coped with the tasks.

In addition to the compulsory compliance with the requirements of federal legislation in the field of environmental protection, VELESSSTROY specialists at all stages - design to commissioning – followed stricter standards of industrial and environmental safety.

Within the framework of the “Polar Region - NPS Purpe” investment project VELESSSTROY carried out construction and installation works, including surface and underground pipelines, construction of a 10kV overhead power line, construction of stop valves and pipe fittings for the linear part of the 3rd stage of the pipeline system at the ‘km 0 - km 44.56’ section.

VELESSSTROY team constructed the Main Oil Pump Station (GNPS) No. 1 with the Line Maintenance Service (LES), PS No. 2, intermediate PS No. 2 Vyngapur, PS “Purpe”, PS “Purpe-Expansion”, and the 44 km linear section.

Quick facts
Client AK Transneft OAO construction period 2013 - 2015
Construction works in harsh climate
finished 2 months ahead of time
Manpower - 2400
Equipment units - 920